We’re reviewing the Kicker 4.0 acoustic kick drum dampener. Let’s check it out.

Review: The Kicker 4.0 Kick Drum Dampener
  • Price
  • Performance
  • Value

The Bottom Line

Cons: Initial set up requires removal of your resonant head, experimenting with the settings on the tuning ports, and then reinstalling the head again before testing the sound quality. This process may have to be repeated a half dozen times or so before you get the sound you’re looking for but once you have it dialed in, you’re good to go!

Pros: The Kicker 4.0 works as advertised. Once you tweak it to your taste, you can set it and forget it. This is my new favorite kick drum dampening device. 

For many years I’ve tried a variety of ways to dampen my bass drum from pillows to blankets to numerous commercial products but I’ve never been happy with any of them.

Enter The Kicker 4.0 by Sonitus Acoustics. It’s made by a company that specializes in sound dampening products for recording studios.

See the video below for my complete review.