The History: Starting in December of 2011, I produced my first video podcast by converting my monthly eMail Newsletter into an Online TV Show combined with contents from my Comcast Cable Drum TV Show Fun With Drums. It proved to be a hit with DrumHeads everywhere.

The Bad News: In June of 2014, after 21 episodes, I stopped production of the show due to the large investment in both time and cost involved in creating such a high-quality production on a monthly basis.

Bottom line: The Good News is that you can still enjoy an abbreviated version of each of the original Fun and Educational episodes (minus the drum lessons) for free, on iTunes. OR, if you’d like to own the FULL version of each show including all the Drum Lessons, Click Here for instant access to the complete shows – episodes 1 to 10 – regularly $47.00 – Now only $17.00 – for a limited-time!

Here are brief descriptions of the content and expert drumming tips you can experience on each show:

DrumBeat Web TV Episode 1: Tribute to Joe Morello Excerpts
This episode features tips on how to make more money with your drums, excerpts from our Tribute to Joe Morello, Music Theory – Who Needs It?, Rudimental Rights & Wrongs, & more expert drumming tips.

DrumBeat Web TV Episode 2: #1 Most Important Drum Rudiment
Features more tips for making money with your drums, the most important drum rudiment you need to learn, Music Theory 101, an inspirational Guest Drummer, a valuable drum skill you were never taught, new contests you can enter & more expert drumming tips.

DrumBeat Web TV Episode 3: Advanced Polyrhythmic Drill
Features tips for drumming and your health, making money with your drums, the 2nd most important drum rudiment you should know, more Music Theory, an advanced polyrhythmic exercise from Joe Morello, new contests you can enter & more expert drumming tips.

DrumBeat Web TV Episode 4: Buddy Rich Big Band
This episode features Buddy Rich Big Band Swing Chops, 3rd most important drum rudiment you should learn, drumming and your health, Developing accented fast finger technique, making money with your drums, new contests you can enter & more expert drumming tips.

DrumBeat Web TV Episode 5: Critical Drum Lesson You’re Missing
This episode features a critical drum lesson you’ve never been taught, 4th most important drum rudiment you should learn, another tip for making money with your drums, killer wrist and finger combinations, World’s Fastest Drummer feature, new contests you can enter & more expert drumming tips.

DrumBeat Web TV Episode 6: Tension-Free Feet Basics
This episode features the basics of Tension-Free Foot Technique, Buddy Rich exposed, another valuable tip for making more money with your drums, a critical workout tip, conclusion of the WFD feature, new contests you can enter & more expert drumming tips.

DrumBeat Web TV Episode 7: Funk Master Mystery Guest
This episode features another music theory lesson, the key to developing fast single foot bass drum technique, another valuable tip for making money with your drums, a legendary funk master guest artist, new contests you can enter & more expert drumming tips.

DrumBeat Web TV Episode 8: Groove King Steve Gadd
This episode features world-class session great Steve Gadd, another music theory lesson, the key to developing an extreme one-footed drum bass drum roll, another valuable tip for making money with your drums, new contests you can enter & more expert drumming tips.

DrumBeat Web TV Episode 9: Mike Portnoy
This episode features ex-Dream Theater drummer/founder Mike Portnoy, Sam Ulano, Joe Morello, Steve Smith and lessons on music theory, double bass drum workout, another valuable tip for making money with your drums, new giveaway contests & more expert drumming tips.

DrumBeat Web TV Episode 10: Gene Krupa and Buddy Rich
This episode is a special featuring Gene Krupa and Buddy Rich, double bass drum speed workout, new giveaway contests & more expert drumming tips.

You can get instant access at a discount to each complete episode, #1 to 10, of our Fun and Educational Drum Show by clicking the link below to view it on any device:

Purchase the First 10 Episodes of Tiger Bill’s Drum Beat Web TV Here!

DrumBeat Web TV Episode Credits:

Produced by Tiger Bill Meligari at, Inc. Studios NJ, USA
Video by Tiger Bill Meligari at, Inc. Studios NJ, USA Video Music by: Tiger Bill – Composed using Sonicfire Pro

Until Next Time: Keep safe, have fun, and stay loose!
Tiger Bill