For drummers of all ages and skill levels, these DVDs will take you all the way to your drumming goals by incorporating wrists, fingers, arms, and topping them off with my specialty techniques.

NOTE: My DVDs only ship to the USA but my online version can be accessed from anywhere in the world with an Internect connection:…

My concepts, used by thousands of students around the globe, are based on the best of the traditional techniques of Gladstone, Stone, and Moeller but modified to my exacting specifications bringing you the Ultimate in PEPS – Precision, Endurance, Power & Speed NO Tension, which is the major cause of repetitive motion injuries! TFD is also perfect for any style of drumming from drum corp to drumset. If you want to play drums all of your life, start using TFD today.

If you’d like more details, feel free to contact me via my Support Desk.

–Have Fun and Stay Loose!